Aside from being very antsy after being made to wait about an hour past his scheduled surgery time, Lion’s surgery went well. By dinnertime, we were able to take of the bandage and he could see, although it was blurry. That was to be expected. The anesthesia was still affecting things. The fact that he could see at all was a major coup since that meant there was no bleeding. By Friday’s post-op visit, things were back to pre-surgery, non-contact lens vision. Today, however, he’s having a little more trouble seeing.

I’m not sure at what point we need to call the doctor. Is this temporary? I was encouraged that he could see yesterday. He’s thinking the end is near. I don’t think it’s near, but I am a little worried. On the one hand I think his vision may fluctuate. His eye has been invaded, after all. On the other hand, why would his vision fluctuate? It was okay. Why wouldn’t it stay okay?

Assuming things calm down again and he can see, the biggest hurdle is getting past the two-week mark until he can wear contacts again to gain a little more vision. I’ll be right here with him no matter what.

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